University Executives and Staff

President / Director / Auditor / Vice President

President Yoshikazu KUGA 
Executive Director/Vice President Mizushi MATSUDA
Executive Director/Vice President Kohki SATOH 
Executive Director/Vice President Naoyuki FUNAMIZU 
Auditor Nobuo TAKAHASHI
Auditor Asao MASUE 
Vice President Raita NAITOH
Vice President Naoki MOMONO
Vice President hiroyuki KOHATA
Vice President Mianxiong DONG 

Administration Bureau

General Manager Raita NAITOH
Deputy General Manager Kenji GOURO
Administration & Planning Department Manager Kenji GOURO
General Affairs & Public Relations Department Manager Takeshi SUZUKI 
Accounting Department Manager Yasuyuki SATOH 
Facilities Department Manager Masaki ARAYA 
Academic Affairs Department Manager Hideo WATANABE 
Admission Strategy Department Manager Kazuhiko SENNICHIZAKA 
Research Cooperation Department Manager Hiroyuki KANIGUCHI 

University Centers

Director of Library Kohki SATOH 
Head of the Science and Engineering Office for Human Resource Development Mizushi MATSUDA
Director of the Center for Fundamental Education in Science and Engineering Mizushi MATSUDA
Director of the Center for ICT Education Yoshitaka KUWATA 
Director of the Center for Innovation in Education Koji NAGANO 
Head of the Office for Society-Academia Collaboration Naoyuki FUNAMIZU 
Director of the Center for Cooperative Research and Development Satoshi YOSHINARI 
Director of the Center for Regional Education and Cooperation Hideki KAWAI 
Director of the Center for Creative Collaboration Kiyotaka TOKURAKU 
Director of Aerospace Plane Research Center Masaharu UCHIUMI 
Director of the Center for Rare Earths Research Chihiro SEKINE
Director of the Center for Shared Research Facilities Hiroto NAKANO 
Director of Manufacturing and Engineering Design Center Kazumichi SHIMIZU 
Director of Health Administration Center MATSUDA Mizushi 
Director of Center for International Relations Naoko YAMAJI
Director of Career Support Center Koji NAGANO 
Director of Technical Division Kohki SATOH 

Faculty of Science and Engineering

Undergraduate Course

Director of Department of Engineering Hiroyuki HUZIKI
Director of Department of Sciences and Informatics Hidetsugu SUTOH

Graduate School

Master’s Course

Director of Division of Sustainable and Environmental Engineering Masanori YOSHIDA
Director of Division of Production Systems Engineering Masazumi UEBA 
Director of Division of Information and Electronic Engineering Hideki KAWAGUTI

Doctor’s Course

Division of Engineering Mizushi MATSUDA

Research Organization

Director of College of Design and Manufacturing Technology Koji ITIMURA
Director of College of Information and Systems Koji NAGANO
Director of College of Liberal Arts Jyun MAEDA